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1International bad spelling day Empty International bad spelling day Wed May 12, 2010 12:52 am


Sr. Castle Member
Sr. Castle Member
International bad spelling day 2v3m1yr
Yes people, its hear again, Tommorrow is teh day we celebrate....
the " International bad spelling dae "
Yes, all over the wurld peeple will be going to skool, wurk, the doktor,.. huh!!?.
and will be wrighting and tiping with all thare wurds mizspelt.
And for those of yu at skool, its ok, the teechers no all about this celebratshon of Internatshonal bad spelling dae and are expekting yu to contribute to the wurks of my ancesters.
Yeps, way back in 1337 * that looks suspishosly like leet *
* no it doesnt.. just shurrup and let me tell teh story.*
Where was I?... OH Yeh....
Way back in 1337 my ansestors first came over from Rushya to Ingland and brought wit them teh first book of mizspelt wurds..
Then in 1733 they.. * hey!! yuve dun it again, just changed the numbars around *
Rite, anyway...
Then in " ahem!!cough!!" 1733 my ansestors took a bote over to Amerika to let the peeple thare see the majic of mizspelt wurds.
Even in 1994.. ( Ha!! got you thare, didnt eye..) when the spell chek waz inventad, this day of mizspelt wurds is still selebrated.
So c'mon gays ermm!! guys, let yur teechers see that yu have bean paying attenshon in class to the daze we selebrate all over teh wurld and mizspell yur wurds whenever yu can..
Yur teechers will be so proud of yu.. I Agree

International bad spelling day 14ag8ap
Hey Mikey.. - * yeh what? *
If this lot believe any of that rubbish, they'l believe anything.. Laughing
* yeh i know, ive got some other stuff to try on them yet *
Hey, you dont think their gonna see and read this bit at the bottom do you ?
*Nah man, its ok, ive used a BB code to hide it.. so no worries, they'l never see this bit.*
Good, ok you had better get back to the lunatic asylum before they miss you.
* Yeh, right enough, I only sneaked out for five minutes.. se ya later..*

2International bad spelling day Empty Re: International bad spelling day Wed May 12, 2010 12:56 am


Haha , Lmfao , Yt Wuz teh bzt thyng iwe herad Razz

3International bad spelling day Empty Re: International bad spelling day Wed May 12, 2010 6:52 am


Sr. Castle Member
Sr. Castle Member
International bad spelling day 16a1l5f
Laughing thankz fred, gude to see yure selebrating this grate dae...
" Internatshonal mizspelling dae "
Hey luke, 1 reply, 12 views, bet one of them views is my old english teecher....
( tsk!! tsk!! knew that boy wudnt be anygood at anything..)
Rolling Eyes

4International bad spelling day Empty Re: International bad spelling day Wed May 12, 2010 7:20 am


Haha , seriously , I just love your humor haha

5International bad spelling day Empty Re: International bad spelling day Wed May 12, 2010 7:38 am


Sr. Castle Member
Sr. Castle Member
Fred100 wrote:Haha , seriously , I just love your humor haha
Everyone else thinks i'm an idiot.. Laughing
Eye think everything is spelt rite hear....
" hey mickey your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind, hey mickey.. clap clap.. hey mickey.. clap clap "
The end of the world. :- Weze all gonna dye.. oh nooo!! affraid

6International bad spelling day Empty Re: International bad spelling day Thu May 13, 2010 12:44 am


Sr. Castle Member
Sr. Castle Member
Now up to 20 views.. Yippee!! yaaaay!!
Anywayz.. for todae's lesson, we have...
International bad spelling day 35hnzps
* Ahem!! cough!!! could you please get out of the way.. like move it numpty kid.*
Oh!!! while i'm here.....
did you know, ...that if you have two cows, .. Bessie, Maisie, and Clarabelle? You also have trouble counting. Laughing
The importance of good grammar....
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7International bad spelling day Empty Re: International bad spelling day Thu May 13, 2010 12:53 am


Haha , Lmfao

8International bad spelling day Empty Re: International bad spelling day Thu May 13, 2010 7:39 am


Sr. Castle Member
Sr. Castle Member
Rite, and brings us to the end of " International bad spelling day "
Thanks to Fred for joining in the fun and posting his own bad spelling and bad grammar....and for seeing the funny side of this topic.
cheers Fred.. International bad spelling day 2gybssn
Typpos aee unintneted errrors that occuur while tpynig, epsecoally when doign so in a hurry. Teh copmuter and the moedrn media have resluted in a singifigant rise in the amuont of tpyos. Accroding too sevreal studies, tyops are unusually commno while wirting posts for art-catsle silly topisc..
* mikey goes back inside the lunatic asylum to his padded room *

9International bad spelling day Empty Re: International bad spelling day Wed May 19, 2010 2:18 am


haha dat waz rilly funi ^^


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