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1Speech to Text software Empty Speech to Text software Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:21 am


Sr. Castle Member
Sr. Castle Member
Dick-tate-shun is very Imp-port-ant...
( Using Windows speech to text software )
High gays error error backspace stop wait full stop new line
hello people comma just thought i wood error would try out this windows speech to text software full stop new line
The speech to text software is a tool used to convert the spoken word into text comma using a bex put that down what no not you i was speaking to my dog wait stop stop no this is stupid hold on full stop new line
Using a Computer microphone full stop new line
It is most useful as an accessibility rollbackspace tool two error too error to aid the Partially-sighted in navigating computer systems comma However it is also used by lazy people who cannot be bothered to type full stop I said full stop new paragraph enter key new line
oh high mate no i cant just now i'm on the computer using that windows speech to text thing oh heck hold on that silly thing is copying everything i'm saying now i'l phone you back later on stop stop stop it full stop dumb thing switch off
Stupid Micro soft corp per nation

2Speech to Text software Empty Re: Speech to Text software Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:47 pm


Sr. Castle Member
Sr. Castle Member
Rite i'l try this software again...
open windows speech to text software
New paragraph enter key enter full stop The past twenty years have seen the most developments in voice recognition but in actual fact Alex sand her Grey ham-bell helped pie on ear The error thats pie on ear no no its pioneer the technology a long time ago full stop new line
The Most speech recognition soft wear users would ten to agree that dick tate shun software can achieve very hi what now you can say high Performance in con trolled conditions. However, mostly they are just plane rubbish of translating. I blame that big gates, giving his money to Charity instead of giving it to Aliens which would hand over the technology they invented years back full stop
close this stupid speech to text thing
Looks like i'm not the only one that has trouble with speech to text..

Art Castle Bot

Speech to Text software 2q31yzt Speech to Text software 15g5mcm

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