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1Teh Benders Empty Teh Benders Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:20 am


Sr. Castle Member
Sr. Castle Member
So c'mon, we got airbending, firebending, earthbending, an waterbending,
well, me, i'm great at "Bendystrawbending" .... yes, i can bend bendy straws... * looks round to see who whispered " Wimp " Rolling Eyes
Then we got..
- Emobending - this turns your enemy into an emo and they kill themselves...
- Spambending - Makes your enimies eat spam......(thats just nasty) OMG!?
- Yomama-bending - Crushes the other combatant with "yo-mama" jokes until they are thoroughly "BURNED"
- Genderbending - The process of changing genders of the user or opponent at will to man, woman, or both at the same time.. scratch
- Fenderbending - causes minor damage to your opponents transport.!
- Blowstuffupbending- Very powerful, the ability to blow stuff up by pointing at them, and shooting eye beams at them to blow them up. OWNAGE!
- Pervebending - The ability to turn your opponent into a Perve and make them go blind with looking at to much " Pron " * Looks round at Fred * Razz

2Teh Benders Empty Re: Teh Benders Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:17 pm

Soul Eater

Soul Eater
there pretty good, i like the bendy straw one.


Art Castle Bot

Teh Benders 2q31yzt Teh Benders 15g5mcm

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